Wednesday, December 2, 2009

top pictures Lung cancer in women rising

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Lung cancer in women rising

A decline in smoking in Europe and better screening mean fewer people are dying of cancer, but lung cancer deaths in women are rising in places like Scotland and Hungary where more women smoke, doctors said on Monday.

Early diagnosis and better treatments have pushed down deaths from cervical cancer and breast cancer, and declining smoking levels contributed to large falls in deaths from lung and other tobacco-related cancers in men, according to a study in the Annals of Oncology cancer journal.

The study of data from 1990-94 and 2000-04 showed that overall European cancer death rates fell by 9 percent in men and 8 percent in women in the second period from the first.

But researchers said there were wide disparities in cancer death rates between different EU countries, and said some countries where alcohol and tobacco consumption has increased had seen a rise in deaths from lung, mouth, pharynx and oesophagus cancers.

taken from : China Daily

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